If I had a superpower, it'd be to read all the books at once.

Friday, April 10, 2015

So many books, so little time. This is such a usual thing for readers to say. We have piles of books stacked, unread, and we could only wish we could pick all of them up at the same time and read them all. Sadly that may be an impossible feat.

I am halfway through In the Garden of the Beasts by Erik Larson, which is highly engaging, and I had no plans of stopping, but then my public library emails me. The said email let me know that Americanah, a book I have been wanting to read for a while, is finally available for me to download on my Kindle. I get serious anxiety when that happens, because I almost want to yell, "No! I'm not ready yet. I'm still working on one book!"

Because I felt torn, I went on twitter and said this.

Then, surprise surprise. Erik Larson himself tweeted back. 

I ended up choosing to finish In the Garden of the Beasts, because how could I say no after this awesome response? So how do you decide which one to read first, which one to read next? Have you ever been in my position wherein you get anxious over choosing which one to pick up? And have you had any memorable interactions with authors through social media? I'd love to know.


  1. This is so awesome! I love when authors respond to me on social media. I've been able to converse with several of my favorite authors and it really means so much that they take the time to say something back, or favorite my tweet, etc. When an author is humble and thankful for their readers - you can really tell by how they interact with their fans.

    I hate the dilemma of two great books at once! It happens way too often for me, and I have to just go with whatever my mood is at the time. I get all excited for a book, but then when I can't start it right away, sometimes by the time I can get to it I'm not even in the mood for it anymore. It's a vicious and unfair cycle. I need more time to read!!

    1. Yes it is the best feeling when they favorite your stuff or reply, isn't it?? Makes you love them so much more.

  2. That is so cool! Of course you finish his book ;) I have that problem all the time. I used to feel like I had to read books as they came to me (specifically all those ARCs) but I'm such a mood reader. Now I read what I want to read when I want to read it. But it would be so awesome to be able to read them all at one time!

    1. I ended up finishing his book. It was great! :) And yes, I am a bit of a mood reader too, and have a hard time picking books sometimes because of that.

  3. Wow! Yes, you pretty much have to finish his book now :)

  4. If this is a superpower then I have it? But as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. I have always read multiple books because like you said, I can't make the decision between the two or five books I want to read at the moment, so I read them all. But sometimes it takes me longer to finish one or I enjoy one more and then unfairly judge the other one. I don't usually have a hard time keeping them straight but I do have a hard time not comparing one to the other. It's funny to think of this as a super power. For me, it's something I have always took for granted. Great post.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. Well you're lucky, Cassi :D But I can see how it can be hard, misjudging the other just because you are comparing them. I would probably do the same, but still... you are the superhero in this bunch of comments that agree they wish they had your ability haha.

  5. That is so awesome that Erik Larson tweeted back! If I got that email saying my next amazing book was ready, I would probably ditch all work and chores (as much as possible), go to my nook and finish my current book.

  6. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by the number of books I have waiting to be read. Books in bookcases, books piled in chairs, books on my dresser, books on my Kindle . . . and then I go out and buy more books!

    How cool that Erik Larson tweeted back to you! Perhaps he is reading your blog right now! :)

    1. You said it. Books I want to buy, books I feel guilty I haven't picked up yet... you're so right. And oh my goodness, if Erik Larson even clicked a link to my blog that would be... :o

  7. I face this dilemma all the time. How great you got a reply from the author though, thats always so exciting for me too. Sometimes i am in the middle of a good book when another arrives and i am torn but it depends on how far through i am and how much im enjoying it as to whether i choose the new one. Like you say though occasionally it seems there is never enough time to read what you want.
    Gill x

    1. Exactly. I get so distracted thinking about the other books I have yet to read!!

  8. omg yes! Book Nerd Problems indeed. I do wish I was a much faster reader than I am because I feel like this would solve all many of my problems. I would have chosen to finish the book I was midway through first as well - so long as I was enjoying said book like you are!

    1. I am not much of a fast reader. I like to read slow since I like to take everything in and not miss a thing. But I envy those who can pay perfect attention while reading quickly!

  9. That's so great! I love when authors interact with readers. :)

    I have a minor panic attack when I get an email from the library to pick up new books and I know I still have a bunch to read! Excuse us world, we need a few days off from life to catch up on our reading!

  10. Ha! Too funny about Erik Larson's reply. I hate it when a library hold comes in when I'm not ready for it, especially when I know there's a long line and I won't be able to renew it. Plus, the loan period for digital titles is shorter in my library system than physical books -- no fair! So I definitely feel your pain.

  11. Ah! That's such a fun response. That would have been enough to convince me to finish his book. Actually, I have in the Garden of the Beast on my Nook, and I haven't read it yet. I kind of want to start reading it tonight...

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