So, it's official! I've talked about this numerous times - about how I wish I wish I wish, I could go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter someday. I mean, let's face it; who wouldn't?? Well, finally, after about a year of just thinking about it, our little getaway is booked. We're going to Florida for a good six nights.

We're of course going to the Disneyworld parks - since I've only been to Disneyland in California - for three days. Then, we're spending one day at the Harry Potte
r park. I am beyond excited! I knew I had to share this with you guys since you'd appreciate this news more than anyone else I know in real life. Haha.
I know some of you have been there before, so I guess I wanted to ask you guys, 'What'd you think?' Did you like your visit, are there any particular activities you did that you think we should do? Let me know, please!
In other news, people have been starting to ask me about Book Expo America 2012. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be going. I had to choose between BEA and the Florida trip, and obviously, I happily chose the latter. If you are going though, let me know as well.

Lastly, I wanted to mention I am currently reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I'm really liking its style so far. We'll see.

Anyway, what are you guys reading, and what have you all been up to? Sorry I've been so MIA. Hope you're having a great weekend.
i'm reading partials. and yayyyy. so cool, hope you have fun. don't forget to post pictures mate :D i enjoyed MPHFPC. Was a bit weird. But my fav part about it was deffo the photographs :)
ReplyDeleteI do like weird books, so hopefully I'll like this one. And yeah, the photos sure are creepy.
DeleteI'm glad to you get to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I hope you have a fantastic time! It sounds like a lot of fun. I've never been to Disney though I really really wanted to when I was a kid and teen. Not sure how much I'd enjoy Disney as an adult but I definitely want to see the Harry Potter theme park, especially Diagon Alley and Hogwarts :) I don't blame you for choosing Harry Potter over BEA! I hope to go to BEA some year but I'm not sure how much it offers librarians.
ReplyDeleteI just read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The House at Tyneford. I thought both were excellent (but very different reading experiences). I've got Miss Peregrine but haven't read it yet.
Oh Disney is awesome! So much fun even as an adult too! You're never too old for Disney, I think :)
DeleteThey used to offer BEA to bloggers for free, but I'm not sure now. I don't think so.. sadly.
Sounds like a great choice. Will you believe I'm from Central Florida, always visiting, and still haven't made it? I'm hoping this is the year I change that.
ReplyDeleteOoohh Juju! You must go!!
DeleteYay! The HP part of the park is pretty awesome. We went this past summer, so I know a bit about it. It is part of the Universal complex, which has two parks-the original Universal Studios, and the Universal Islands of Adventure. HP is in the Islands park and is WAYYY at the back. When you go, the best thing to do is book it back there, since it will be the most crowded place in the park.
ReplyDeleteBasically, you walk through the "Hogsmeade" area. There are a bunch of shops-including those that are found in Diagon Alley in the books. The castle is way in the back and houses the HP ride. I suggest going and doing that first because line gets LONG. We went there first and got in line right as the park opened. We waited about 45 minutes to get on the ride, and by the time we got off the ride, the line was over 3 hours long. After that, I suggest going to Ollivander's to do the wand thing. They only allow a small group in at the same time, so it has a long wait too. The only other rides in that area of the park are two roller coasters-I'd do those next before walking around all of the shops. The owlry is really cool, as are the sweet shop and Zonko's.
That's about it. :) Oh, and if you're looking for butterbeer, it is on a little cart in the middle of the pathway. Get some because it is super delicious.
let me know if you have any more questions!
Wow, thanks, Allie! Your reply got me even more excited. I'll definitely keep those tips in mind. I seriously can't wait.
DeleteOh and how long did you stay at the HP park for? Did it take you the whole day or did you get bored fast or?
That portion of the park is pretty small. I think we were only there for 3 hours or so. But we went in the off season and it wasn't too crowded to get through everything.
DeleteThat's so cool! I hope you have loads of fun!!! I just went this past summer as well and it really was magical! Go into every shop, definitely have a meal at the Three Broomsticks and, although the queue will be LITERALLY HUMONGOUS, you have to go on the main ride. The queue takes you through the Hogwarts castle which is really cool and the ride itself is a kind of simulation thing, which feels really realistic!
ReplyDeleteNew follower :)
aHHHH we will definitely try to get a meal at The Three Broomsticks. I've heard many awesome things about that place too! And thank you for following :)
DeleteIt will be worth it!
DeleteBy the way, I gave you the LOvely Blog Award! Come and have a look at the post on my blog when you get a chance :)
So jealous, that's awesome! I can't wait to hear how it is!
ReplyDeleteMelissa! Have you been? I know you travel a lot, so I thought I'd ask =]
DeleteFinally Jillian! I almost cried as i approached the entrance. Have you seen pictures from my other blog? Or do you not want any spoilers? LOL
ReplyDeleteYes I saw those pics when you first posted them!! Can't wait!
DeleteHey Jillian!
ReplyDeleteSorry I won't see you at BEA, but I think you chose wisely, my friend! Florida and seeing the Harry Potter park seems like a way better deal. BEA will still be in New York next year :)
Yay Jillian!! Enjoy The Harry Potter theme park! I want to go one day. I have heard its great! There's a roller coaster and butter beer! *faint*
ReplyDeleteWhen I finally go I'll probably spend half my paycheck on souvenirs :p all Slytherin related of course :)
Fun Fun! My fam is planning to go in May as soon as school is out. We are still debating flying/driving. When will you be there? Wouldn't it be fun to meet over a pint of butterbeer...
ReplyDeleteI'll be there April! Have you booked your trip yet? :)
DeleteLucky you! At least you're going somewhere. I hope to go to BEA next year so have to start saving.
ReplyDeleteEep! Fun! Totally jealous. I'll get there one day... I'll probably wait until after they've built the new park expansions (Diagon Alley!) though.
ReplyDeleteI've heard of that, though it's not yet confirmed. Hopefully they do make it. That would be awesome!
DeleteCongrats! Have fun! :)
ReplyDeleteCurious about your thoughts on Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children!