Follow Friday - Magnet Collection?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Since it's a brand new year, I thought I'd join follow friday today. Hopefully, I meet new bloggers and visit some new blogs I haven't seen before. If you would like me to check out your blog, link below! As for the question for this week, "Do you have any fun collections (other than books)? 

The only thing I can think of that I collect are magnets. My boyfriend and I collect them from every place we visit, whether it's a local museum or a national park from another state. We've not gone totally out of the West Coast yet, except for Florida, but I know over the years, the collection will definitely grow!

There's some places we go to where we forget to buy magnets, but we'll go again someday and buy it then! What else do you collect other than books?


  1. Hopping through. I used to buy lots of magnets but my husband got annoyed because our refrigerator was really cluttered so I got out of the habit. I should look back into it when we travel again.
    My FF

  2. Just hopping on through and I'm so glad that I found your blog, it looks all kinds of happy and interesting. I'm definitely following you for sure now. *g* I know a lot of people who collect magnets of different kinds, that looks like an awesome collection you have going on there. I think my biggest collection besides my books is probably my nail polish collection of about 100+ bottles and the cutest little Ty Beanie Babies from back when they were all the rage. But, I am quite partial to all of my BtVS/Angel and Doctor Who stuff too. :)

    Happy Reading and Blog Hopping!
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  3. I love magnets but havent collected them since years..Maybe will start again this year. :)
    Cool collection, Jillian! :)
    New GFC follower

    My FF post

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  4. Hey! Welcome to Follow Friday :)
    I love the magnets. My fridge is covered as well, but mainly in sassy retro ones.

    New GFC follower xx

    My FF

  5. Aww that's such a sweet collection. Very vintage looking. My Feature and Follow Post! New GFC and BL follower (:

  6. I love the magnets and it's a great way for you and your boyfriend to keep track of everywhere you've been. Welcome to the Feature&Follow! I started today too :D
    New BlogLovin follower, ps I love your layout, very clean and sleek looking!

  7. Love your magnet collection and how it shows your travels! I'm a new follower on GFC!

  8. Collecting magnets is so cute! My family and I used to collect them when we went on vacation :) New follower on Bloglovin!

    I just started a new feature on my blog called Giveaway Friday! This week I'm giving away Legend and Champion by Marie Lu! Stop by if you want to win :)

    Crystal @ Books Unbound

  9. I love your magnet collection! It would be a great way to preserve the memories I would say :)

    New follower via GFC and BL :)

    Happy Friday!

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy: My FF

  10. Aw that is such a fab collection!! My mum has been collecting magnets for a while as well!

    New follower via GFC!
    My ff:

    -Tyra xxx

  11. I've never even been that many places! Wow!

    New follower here
    Kelsey @ One Chapter Ahead

  12. Hi! New follower here!
