If I could describe this book to anybody, it is that it is every nerd's dream. It's a scifi dystopian novel set in 2044 where our world basically sucks. It is so horrible that people prefer to live in a virtual world called the Oasis. The Oasis is essentially a multiplayer game where you get to create your own avatar, similar to games like World of Warcraft. This book is told from a relatable main character's point of view, which makes the reader feel like they're not just reading what is going on, but are actually living it.
Having played multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, the world was familiar to me and the story just felt possible and realistic. I also loved that the book references so many things in nerd and pop culture from video games, comic books, movies, music, to Dungeons and Dragons. Basically, if you can think of anything nerdy, it's probably mentioned, which makes this book one of the most fun stories I've read in a long time.
Another thing to note is that the author is just excellent with world building and plot development. He writes so effortlessly that makes it such a page turner, making it difficult for me to put it down. I didn't want it to end. It felt just like any other addicting video game. I found myself staying awake late at night reading, and I was simply stuck in this world that the author created because nothing else mattered while I was reading the story. Another awesome part about this is that not only is it exciting, but this book also has a lot of heart. The characters did that for me, as they were so easy to believe in, to root for, and to love.
I highly recommend this book to anybody. If you like a good story and like immersing yourself in different worlds, read it. It's so much fun that I believe it will be appreciated by anyone. But yes, if you are a nerd and you like pop culture, you have to get this book now. For me, it's definitely on my top 3 books I've read this year and I can't recommend it enough.