Genre: Young Adult - contempory/paranormal-ish
Rating: 2.5 stars
Review: This book was alright. It has its fun and entertaining moments, and for the most part, I enjoyed my time reading it. The writing and the flow makes it perfectly readable, and the characters were okay enough - even though I have to admit, they were a bit stereotypical at times.
But like I said, it was just alright. It's one of those books that's fun as I read it, but one that I completely forget about after. It just didn't stand out to me. So at the end of the day, I don't think I would recommend it. Not necessarily because it was a bad read - because it certainly wasn't - but because I do feel that there are other titles out there that perhaps could be better choices instead.
Little funny tidbit: Bridget's best friends are Jillian and Michele. Well, my name is actually Jillian Michele ;)