Who should I follow?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I feel like I'm slowly getting back into blogging again after a long hiatus, and notice that I think I really need to update my feed and the blogs I follow. This of course means I need help from you. Do you have any favorite blogs out there?

I love bookish blogs (not necessarily just review blogs). I like when the blogger has a personable voice, and talks about random things and even personal stuff every now and then. If you feel like your blog is this, or you know of any, please leave the links below.

Also, I still have the giveaway going on. Click here if you'd like to enter. Other than that, I hope you are reading amazing books this week. 


  1. Nice to see you back in the blogosphere!! I've been following Random Ramblings for a while; maybe you'd like to check out my blog The Book Parade? :)

    1. I've been following you I think for a while now too, Catherine. Thanks for following and commenting here!

  2. Hey there! I post some book reviews once in a while, with plenty of my life thrown in there if you want to check out my blog :) Welcome back!


  3. One of my favourites is Charlie's blog:
    I particularly like the discussion posts.
