quote of the week!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Here's another stand-out quote from The Lover's Dictionary (a book I've come to realize is very dear to me) by David Levithan!

punctuate, v.
A key to a successful relationship isn't just in the words; it's in the punctuation. When you're in love with someone, a well-placed question mark can be the difference between bliss and disaster, and a deeply resonated period or a cleverly inserted ellipsis can prevent all kinds of exclamations.

I have nothing much to say - except that I agree with this 100 %.

created a random music video.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hey everyone! I just thought I'd share this with you all. Last night and earlier today, I was feeling really inspired to do something creative. I wanted to write, but was too distracted. I started to blog, but couldn't think of anything at that moment. I wanted to read, but I wanted to do something else...! Something new, something in the 'creative department' that I haven't really done before. So I did this.

It's not that good or anything, and I absolutely fail at drawing (even stick figures!) but I thought it was kind of fun. Plus, I really like telling stories, in general and through music... it's not exactly a grand one, but it's a story nonetheless. Also, I LOVE this song.

So if you could watch, rate, and possibly subscribe, that'd be greatly appreciated. I might actually do more of these and see if I improve at all. Ha. Anyway, thank you as always.

movie recommendation: (500) Days of Summer

Friday, September 9, 2011

I've seen this movie countless times - and when I mean countless, I literally mean that I can't even count how many anymore. It has easily become of one my favorites. For some reason, I just love it so much!

Maybe it's the fact that the story itself was such a great surprise in the first place. Or maybe I love it because of the extremely realistic and believable characters, or the fact that the actors who played these people are some of my favorites. I've always had a huge crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt ever since 10 Things I Hate About You and have also always just adored Zooey Deschanel! Or it could also be because of its amazing soundtrack, its fresh script, its unique way of story telling, or the number of quotable quotes that can be discovered. Perhaps, it's because the story is honest and true; perfectly relate-able. Or really, maybe it's because it's just so darn adorable and heart wrenching at the same time that despite the fact that I can't pinpoint the exact reason, I know I'm so in love with it.

Well, last night, I saw it again. And even though this is the millionth time I've watched it, I have to tell you, it just doesn't get old. The heartbreak, giddiness, and everything else that comes with the movie felt exactly the same.
If you haven't seen it and you like good stories... then this might be for you.

do books give you dreams?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I wonder about this a lot, if books cause your dreams to occur, because I know that personally, books have that effect on me. Now this could be a good thing or a bad thing. If it was just a normal, out-of-nowhere sort of dream, it's alright with me. If I am dreaming that I go to Hogwarts to learn magic or something - even better!

But then there are the nightmares. Unfortunately, I get these more often than I get "normal" dreams, and for the most part, I do blame the books and my habit of late-night reading. I don't know if it's because I just naturally have a wild imagination or what - I think generally readers and writers (and other types of artists) tend to have crazy imaginations! - I am not even quite sure why I get them, and I especially can't even figure out what they even mean. Most of the time, the dreams are completely pointless! Sadly, they are still nightmares. It's horrible, I have to admit.

So I guess I am wondering if it's just me that experiences this - I sure hope not! But surely this must be an odd thing? xxx

Other Words for Love by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Genre: Young Adult - contemporary
Rating: 5 stars

Review: This was a great read. It's one of those rare books that seem to mirror real life situations perfectly - no matter how young or old the person going through it is. It talks about first love, heart break, disappointment, failures and triumphs, friendships, and individuality...among many others. And even though this book features a teenager as the main character, I do think everybody can somehow relate to her story, her world, and what she's gone through.

Sure, there were some factors in the story that weren't as realistic - like getting an unexpected inheritance that lets the character transfer to an elite Manhattan prep school and going to 21+ clubs and not getting checked for their ID.
But despite these minor details, I thought the ones that truly mattered - like the characters and their emotions and their actions - were extremely believable. I thought the overall plot and character development, as well as its conclusion, seemed very real as well, and did not seem contrived at all.

So yes, I do recommend this, mostly to mature YA readers (definitely pg13!)

As a whole, I just found it lovely and understated. It's not "spectacular" by any means, but it's a good read. Hey, it may even take you back to past memories and remind you of some things you may have already forgotten. Perhaps it may even shine a light on some things happening in your life right now! At the end of the day, it's just a simple coming-of-age story, and is identifiable in many ways. That I think is the book's greatest strength.

Left Neglected by Lisa Genova

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Genre: General Fiction
Rating: 2.5 stars

Review: I am a huge fan of Lisa Genova's debut novel, Still Alice. I highly recommend that novel for anybody who likes Literary Fiction, as I thought it was a story that's wonderfully told. So I was excited to read her second novel, Left Neglected.

What I Liked: Reading its synopsis, I was immediately sold. The concept just sounds unique and original, like I've never read anything like it before. And it is indeed original. The way the author was able to mix in fact and information with fiction was effortless. I never felt like I was reading a textbook, or felt like I was being lectured. It also didn't hurt that it was fast-paced enough, and that the characters the author created were interesting as well.

What I Didn't Like: Lisa Genova's talented and skilled, and I don't deny that, but there were some parts in the book that I thought were just too repetitive. But the biggest flaw that this book has in my opinion, is its main character. Her behavior, personality, and internal dialogues that she has with herself, makes her character seem very shallow, which as a result, makes her difficult to empathize with. I just didn't really believe her and her moments of struggle, defeat, and even triumph. I didn't find myself rooting for her; I even found myself annoyed with her at times and rooting for her family members instead!

Overall: If the author's goal was to make her readers aware of the topic, then I am happy to say she exactly did that for me. The topic that the author chose for this fictional story is highly intriguing, and it's something I'm looking forward to learning more about in the future.However, the main character was not someone I can relate to, or root for, and so I didn't feel emotionally invested in her story in any way whatsoever.
I would still highly, highly recommend Still Alice, but would suggest for you to skip this. Although perfectly readable, it simply wasn't compelling enough for me.

labor day reading + need help for school!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's Labor Day weekend! What better way to spend the 4-day mini-break we get to have than with these books? Let me know what you are currently reading, and what you're planning to read next this week as well!

I also wanted to take advantage of having this blog and ask you all for school help. For one of my classes, we're supposed to write a 10 page argumentative essay. Now, I need ideas from you guys - for ethical topics, preferably those that are controversial! The thing is, we can't write on abortion, marijuana legalization, and/or gay marriage (since our professor says everybody ends up doing their essays on those topics!) So... if you could kindly help me brainstorm, that would be AWESOME. Thanks, as always!

quote of the day + thrill week

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I love quotes, but I have to admit, I never really take the time to jot down page chapters and write down wonderful lines from books. However, every once in a while, I come across certain quotes and simply can not pass up the chance - I have to take note of them, write them down, and remember them. When I read The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, this was one of those that I couldn't help but fall in love with.

"I never read without making sure I am in a secure position. I have been like this ever since the age of seven when, sitting on a high wall and reading The Water Babies, I was so seduced by the descriptions of underwater life that I unconsciously relaxed my muscles. Instead of being held buoyant by the water that so vividly surrounded me in my mind, I plummeted to the ground and knocked myself out. I can still feel the scar under my fringe now. Reading can be dangerous."

And in other news, I do want to go ahead and mention about a fellow blogger's project. Enter Thrill Week at Tea Time with Marce... if you are a fan of Thrillers, Mysteries, Suspense, and Horror... then this event is for you. Visit her blog for more details :) Other than that, I hope you have a great weekend!

Wither by Lauren Destefano

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Genre: Young Adult - Fantasy/Science Fiction-ish
Rating: 5 stars

Review: As you probably know, I had the case of an awful reading slump the past couple of weeks, and needed a fresh new book to cure it. Thankfully, I was able to pick up Wither from the library. First off, can I just say how much I love the plot line and its premise? It is so original and new, and it makes this story such a refreshing read. And the way the author executed the whole thing, I thought was simply flawless. The pace was on-point, the development was perfect, the writing was beautiful and flowed so well, and the entire setting was so great to learn more about and explore.
As for the characters, I really liked getting to know about them more. They aren't made up of stereotypical personalities and characteristics, which in itself, is a huge plus. But what I loved about the most was the narrator (the main protagonist). This may sound weird, but I actually didn't see her as a fictional character. Instead, it seemed as if she was actually me. I felt like I was in her situation, feeling all these kinds of things, going through all this stuff. It truly made the whole story realistic and believable, despite the fact that it's fantasy and science fiction.

So yes, I loved it. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and rooted for the characters all the way. I like the way it exudes 'darkness and sadness' in a very subtle (instead of contrived and forced) way. All in all, I just thought it was a very intriguing world to live in, even for a few hours. I highly recommend this to YA fans and readers looking for an original and fresh story line.