Review: First off, there is no doubt that Jodi Picoult is a great, accomplished writer. I've read almost all of her works. But I don't know if it's just me that don't seem to find any of her books that good. The writing is always good, yes. The plot is also usually very interesting and intriguing. But the delivery always seem to fall apart and fail. Of course, that is only my own opinion.
With this one, I actually found myself quite bored towards the middle part of the book. Also, I felt like the characters needed much more development. There was a lot of potential, but it just fell flat for me.
Don't get me wrong, I did not hate it. I'm just not raving about it.
KEEPING FAITH tells the story of a young girl who has a special relationship with God. Page after page, Faith talks to God, Faith performs a miracle, Faith talks to God some more, Faith performs some more miracles, and ooh wow Faith knows things that she couldn't possibly know so it must be real! Not much else happened, save a custody battle toward the end, which was the only aspect of the book I actually found to be engaging. One of the frustrating things was that there wasn't much of a plot to this book. Essentially, after the first twenty pages or so, the plot is pretty stagnant up until the denouement, but the characters are all unsatisfied with things, and then post-exciting climactic stuff, things essentially return to exactly they were before, and that's the end.