Synopsis: No synopsis for this one. This is the final installment in the Hunger Games trilogy.
Rating: 3 stars
Review: This review is going to be short and simple. Did I like it? Yes. It was a good read. Overall, I liked how Suzanne Collins tied up everything. Her writing -- as well as the suspense, excitement, and originality -- that comes with this series, were all there, as expected. I thought it was fast-paced, action packed, and very exciting. So why just 3 stars, and not 5? To me, it was just lacking a bit. Something was definitely missing. In the end, I felt completely underwhelmed. I wanted more. There were things I couldn't understand. Despite this, I still highly recommend this series overall, but I do realize now, it's definitely not for everyone.
SPOILERS BELOW: Please highlight to read it. If you would like to agree, disagree, comment using the #s I used.
1. I expected her to end up with Peeta, but I was sort of hoping she didn't have to end up with either of them. She could just keep both as her best friends. Clearly, they all need each other. Gah.
2. Poor Gale. I'm sorry, but I just didn't like his ending at all.
3. Katniss voting yes to another Hunger Games.. okay, seriously??
4. Snow's death = anticlimatic much?
Rating: 3 stars
Review: This review is going to be short and simple. Did I like it? Yes. It was a good read. Overall, I liked how Suzanne Collins tied up everything. Her writing -- as well as the suspense, excitement, and originality -- that comes with this series, were all there, as expected. I thought it was fast-paced, action packed, and very exciting. So why just 3 stars, and not 5? To me, it was just lacking a bit. Something was definitely missing. In the end, I felt completely underwhelmed. I wanted more. There were things I couldn't understand. Despite this, I still highly recommend this series overall, but I do realize now, it's definitely not for everyone.
SPOILERS BELOW: Please highlight to read it. If you would like to agree, disagree, comment using the #s I used.
1. I expected her to end up with Peeta, but I was sort of hoping she didn't have to end up with either of them. She could just keep both as her best friends. Clearly, they all need each other. Gah.
2. Poor Gale. I'm sorry, but I just didn't like his ending at all.
3. Katniss voting yes to another Hunger Games.. okay, seriously??
4. Snow's death = anticlimatic much?
Please note that the comments section MIGHT have spoilers!!